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About Us

This small business idea started with my mother Nadezhda (meaning "hope") who got diagnosed with cancer. She decided to get a golden retriever to keep her company through the hard journey ahead since her young adult kids were busy with their own lives. Palma came into her life as a service dog and she started having something to live for. That's when I realized that a dog is not just a pet, but a life changing gift of joy. My mother talked about how wonderful it would be to share the joy she experienced with owning Palma with other families who are also going through tough life experiences or just life in general. After my mother's passing I decided to bring my mother's dream to life with the founding of "Goldens of Hope" in honor of my mother.

Our Team

Nadezhda (Hope)

Our Family

A little about myself: I am the fourth out of five siblings, I am a single mom to a beautiful little girl and I've always had a passion for animals. I love the impact that they bring. I love spending time with and training dogs. I was always that kid that would bring home every stray animal. Our greatest desire with Goldens of Hope is to bring a little more happiness into every family. No matter where you are in life or what you're going through its always good to have a four legged friend that follows you and loves you unconditionally!

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